Whitney Homan, Community Vice President 2017/18

As a continuance of our series featuring our upcoming Board of Directors for 2017/18, we would like to introduce Whitney Homan, our upcoming Community Vice President.

When Whitney Homan was approached to serve on the Junior League of Little Rock Board of Directors,

Whitney Homan headshot

Whitney Homan

she didn’t hesitate for one moment.

“When I was asked to be Community VP, I immediately said yes,” Homan said.  “It means a lot that someone sees something in me to think to nominate me.  I view every position I accept as an opportunity to grow as a person, and that is never a bad thing!”

In her professional life, Whitney is a Doctor of Audiology at the North Little Rock VA Hospital.  She has built a second career of sorts through completing several leadership positions during her tenure in JLLR, including Kota Camp Chair-Elect, Kota Camp Chair (two years), Children’s Event Coordinator-Elect, and is currently serving a double placement as Children’s Event Coordinator and Community VP.

During her time as Community VP, Whitney is looking forward to attending and participating in all JLLR community projects.  She also looks forward to getting to know the committee chairs and other Board members on a deeper level and learning more about the different components of JLLR.

“I hope to increase awareness in our membership about our impact in the community and WHY we are doing the work we do,” Homan said. “What JLLR does is so great and I want all of our members to really understand the impact we make on those lives we touch. It is really something to be proud of and I want all of our members to have a sense of pride in the work we do!”